


Accelerating ICT students’ startup development competence via interdisciplinary modular courses in the HEI curricula (UXiship)


AlmaU won an Erasmus + grant «Accelerating ICT students’ startup development competence via interdisciplinary modular courses in the HEI curricula» together with 9 European and Kazakhstani partners. This is the first Erasmus + Capacity building project for AlmaU.

Project aim: Development of information & communication technologies major students’ entrepreneurial competences

Website: https://uxiship.rsue.ru/


Project consortium:

Project duration: November 2019 - November 2023

Target audience: Bachelor’s and Master’s level ICT students, faculty members and researchers

Project stages:

  1. Preparational activities
  2. Project Development
  3. Quality Plan
  4. Dissemination and exploitation
  5. Management and coordination


      Improvement of Kazakhstan and Russia engineering curricula within Partner Universities by implementation of ICT-competence based entrepreneurship module.


  Launch of IT-entrepreneurial accelerating programme for soft skills development in engineering curricula by bringing together Partner Universities strength in collaborated teaching, assessment and feedback.


          Update of engineering education to the EU standards according to Bologna process by implementing joint university courses recognized by Partner Universities consortium

      Promotion of bottom-up international collaboration approach within knowledge triangle, thus improving the level and structure of ICT hard and entrepreneurial soft skills acquired by engineering university students.

Project Results:

  • Co-working space for startup projects
  • Educational programs with an entrepreneurial component
  • Raising the qualifications of faculty and researchers
  • Experience exchange with foreign partners
  • Trainings and courses for students
  • Development of students’ startup projects


Project duration is 48 months (prolongated due to COVID-19 pandemy) which includes many events and seminars, experience exchange between partners and development of ICT- entrepreneurship program.

  • On December 4-7, 2019 a kick-off meeting was held as part of the official launch of the project in St. Petersburg. Preparatory and organizational work is underway for the full launch of the Erasmus + project «Accelerating ICT students’ startup development competence via interdisciplinary y modular courses in the HEI curricula». 
  • On October 16th AlmaU International Office has organized an online Erasmus Day 2020 event dedicated to the celebration of the Erasmus+ program.
  • On April 23-25 AlmaU took part in the international online hackathon «The development of science after the pandemy». AlmaU was represented by the Dean of the School of Engineering Management, the coordinator of the Uxiship project - Abeshev Kuanysh with the theme «Data processing in a pandemic - COVID-19».
  • Team members of AlmaU UXiship Capacity Building in the Higher Education project by Erasmus + attended the info session held by National Erasmus + Office in Kazakhstan. Info session was dedicated to helping improve the efficiency of the implementation of the new Erasmus + projects through consulting coordinators and team project members.
  • In 2020 project has been prolongated for one year until 2023 due to the pandemic
  • On March, 2021 Kazakhstani partners went through the project monitoring by National Erasmus + Office to ensure quality and the development of the project
  • On March, 2021 European partners gave an online training for project participants in business model development (Taltech) and Wismar



AlmaU International office coordinates general questions of the project.

Contacts: d.nelidova@almau.edu.kz +7 (727) 3132841


Kuanysh Abeshev

Dean of Engineering Management School



Gunnar Prause

UXiship Project Coordinator



Christopher Meyer

Researcher of European Project Centre



Oleg Bodiagin

Project Coordinator from University



Jelena Titko

Vice-Rector for Science and International Cooperation




Dmitrii Garanin

Head of scientific laboratory "Strategic development of engineering markets"




Nikita Lukashevich

Deputy Head for International Affairs Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University         




Anna Svirina

Head of Engineering Economics and Management



Kaiyrbek Makulov

Vice-Rector for educational methodical work




Igor Koshkin

Head of Electric power Department



Oksana Lentjusenkova





Evgeny Tishchenko

Dean of the Faculty of Computer Technologies and Information Security      



Edgars Cerkovskis





Wolfgang Gerstlberger





Vera Gerasimova




 Tarmo Tuisk

This website was created as part of the project UXiship. The Erasmus + support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and Erasmus + cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
