ALMA University


AlmaU Competition for exchange program grants from the Ministry of Education (Fall 2024-2025)

AlmaU is announcing a competition for the academic mobility program for studying at partner universities in the Fall 2024/25 semester, for 1st and 2nd year undergraduate students of a 4-year degree, and 1st year students of a 3-year degree, studying under a state educational grant.

Presentation of the Eco-sculpture and the final of the Samsung Recycling School competition

A representative of AlmaU and the Student Council President were invited to the "Come to the Green side!" event, where they presented an Eco-sculpture assembled from waste electronics and awarded prizes to the winners of the Samsung Recycling School.

Artificial intelligence in higher education: students

On November 3, 2023, a student discussion on the topic «Artificial intelligence in higher education: studentss» will take place at Qaynar Bulaq (Adam point)

Vera Smirnova's presentation on the topic «The epidemic of brucellosis in Soviet Kazakhstan (1930s-1940s)»

On October, 26th, 2023, at 19.00 pm (Almaty time) Vera Smirnova (assistant professor, Almaty management university) will present a report «The epidemic of brucellosis in Soviet Kazakhstan (1930s-1940s)»

Третья форсайт сессия: креативная индустрия, информационные технологий и связи.

В Алматы Менеджмент Университете 23 октября 2023 года стартовала третья сессия, посвященная созданию атласа новых профессий и компетенций в сферах креативных индустрий, информационных технологий и связи.

AlmaU library in collaboration with the Connect-Ed has collected equipment for families who do not have the opportunity to buy devices for their children

We are pleased to announce that the representative of the Connect-Ed company was given 4 sets of personal computers, 1 laptop, 3 tablets, 3 e-book readers, donated by the University, employees and teaching staff of AlmaU.

AlmaU launches Digital Literacy courses for pensioners, in association with the community fund Connect-Ed

In the spring of this year, AlmaU University held some digital literacy courses, organised in partnership with this fund.

Almaty Management University joins the University Alliance of the Silk Road (UASR)

The Rector of Almaty Management University, Gulnara Turdalievna, took part in the annual University Alliance of the Silk Road summit 2023 (UASR), held in Xi’an. At the forum, experts and teachers from different countries around the world discussed development and innovations in higher education in the context of the new technological revolution.

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