Project "The Evaluation of Challenges of Youth in Kazakhstan and Piloting Innovative Solutions"
The research project aims to reduce the level of NEET of young people (who are not employed and not studying) by improving the effectiveness of policies and the development of appropriate recommendations. The project is implemented on the basis of academic and nonacademic partnership between universities and non-governmental organizations.
The project aims to reduce the rate of NEET among young people by improving the effectiveness of the state policy targeting prevention, coverage and reintegration based on project recommendations and findings. The partner institutions – universities and NGOs join forces to enhance the research capacity and to develop methodological guidelines and capacity building as well as an experiment design. The partnership aims sustainable, coherent, comprehensive results. The research analyses global context and proposes adopted methodology for defining NEET, ways to reach NEET youth and raising important issues. The project develops recommendations for state bodies, academia and NGOs to solve NEET problems. The project is funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).
The project is collecting data on NEET, reviewing and analyzing the components as well as criteria for NEET assessment; performing the international experience. The research discovers problems and conditions of NEET youth in the Middle East, Japan, South Korea, China, Singapore, and Thailand. An important component of the study is the ability to assess the applicability of international experience in the context of Kazakhstan.
The practical significance of the project is also determined based on interviews with NEET representatives and the use of other methods for field research and experiments.
Project consortium:
Research Team (of the first stage of 2021-2022 study year):
1. Nazarbayev University Graduate School of Education
2. Almaty Management University
3. The Civil Alliance of Kazakhstan
4. Georgia State University, Economics Research Center
Research Team (of the second stage of 2022-2023 study year):
1. Nazarbayev University Graduate School of Education
2. Almaty Management University
3. Georgia State University, Economics Research Center