Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment Summer School!


June 18, 2021

Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment Summer School!

Almaty Management University in partnership with UN Women announces the launch of the Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment Summer School in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. In Uzbekistan, the summer school will be held on June 14-18 in Tashkent, and in Kazakhstan on July 5-9 in Almaty. The initiative is part of an academic programme funded by the European Union and implemented by the UNDP.


Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment Summer School is a cross-functional and practice-oriented boot camp on entrepreneurship, civic institutions, research, agriculture and mining.


Summer school participants will have a fully-fledged overview of entrepreneurship and will attempt to develop entrepreneurial competencies that are vital in contemporary time. 

Drawing on the experience and expertise of the AlmaU School of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, the Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment Summer School program encourages for teamwork on a joint research project, social project or start-up.

The participants will present their ideas and prototypes on the final day in a format of a video pitch. The program provides for a special time for teamwork, and the participants will have access to expertise on entrepreneurship and GEWE-related aspects.

Summer school participants will immerse Afghan students into the local cultural setting and familiarize themselves with the rich culture of the Kazakh and Uzbek people. AlmaU will host peculiar cultural events related to handcraft making in Almaty and Tashkent.

“Undoubtedly, our educational activities go far beyond our campus,” says Ksenia Yuzhaninova-Karadenizli, Executive Director of the AlmaU School of Entrepreneurship and Innovation. - We believe that cooperation is only possible when intentions are open and candid for the purpose of establishing large-scale impacts.

AlmaU and partners expect Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment Summer School to be a turning point for the Afghan students in catalyzing positive changes in their home communities. Additionally, this Summer School will build the capacity and confidence of Afghan girls to plan for future careers or start their own businesses, and develop strong leadership skills and professional capacity to find decent work.


*This publication has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. Its content is the sole responsibility of Almaty Management University and does not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.
