PRME Chapter Eurasia

AlmaU is proud to be a Signatory Member at the @PRME community. We are committed to aligning our own strategies and operations with the #GlobalGoals and #PRMEPrinciples #PRME

The Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME) is a United Nations-supported initiative founded in 2007. Working through Six Principles, PRME engages business and management schools to ensure they provide future leaders with the skills needed to balance economic and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and aligning academic institutions with the work of the UN Global Compact. As a voluntary initiative with over 800 signatories worldwide, PRME has become the largest organised relationship between the United Nations and management-related higher education institutions.


AlmaU as a socially responsible university has been a committed PRME signatory since 2009. Its progress reports are available here.



AlmaU President and Founder Dr. Assylbek Kozhakhmetov is the PRME Board member since 2020. 


For the 2021 year, AlmaU has been engaged in discussions with the UN PRME Secretariat team on the possibility of running a regional chapter for the Eurasian region, the launch of the Chapter was supported by partner universities - Narxoz (Kazakhstan), IBS RANEPA (Russia), AUCA (Kyrgyzstan), Tashkent chemical-technological Institute (Uzbekistan), Academy of State Customs Committee of Republic of Azerbaijan (Azerbaijan).
On September 29, 2021 AlmaU Vice-Rector for Global Partnerships Dr. Aigerim Kaumenova has been nominated as the Chair of the Provisional Committee of the UN PRME Chapter Eurasia. 
Dr. Kaumenova has extensive background in international development in higher education. She has been awarded the CEEMAN Champions Award in the Responsible Management category in 2017 for her continuous commitment to responsible management education.
On October 5 the new Chapter Eurasia has been presented to the public during the UN PRME Global Chapter Forum.
The mission of the Chapter Eurasia is to engage new members from the region to the PRME network,  to ensure that the principles of responsible management education are integrated into academic and research activities in universities of the region, and to open international opportunities for the Chapter Signatories for meaningful knowledge sharing and networking.


The Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME), an initiative of the United Nations Global Compact, is pleased to announce the new cycle of PRME Champions for 2023. This year, 47 PRME Signatory Members, with a track record of impactful contributions in thought and action leadership, were selected to join the cohort by the PRME Secretariat from a pool of strong and diverse applicants.

The PRME Champions represent a group of dedicated business and management schools from across the PRME membership, committed to working collaboratively to develop and promote activities that address shared barriers for the PRME community, and which deliver value for business and society at large. Previous collaborations attributed to the PRME Champions include the Climate Literacy Training for Business Schools, the Blueprint for SDG Integration, the SDG Library, and more.

The focus of the 2023 Champions cycle will be on action leadership to inspire our global community, specifically through the Inspirational Guide on SDG Integration on Research, Curriculum, and Partnerships, which serves as a repository of inspiring examples that will build on the work of the existing Blueprint for SDG Integration. A unique feature of the 2023 cycle is engagement in The Impactful Five (i5) Project, a knowledge-sharing and peer-learning project with the aim of future-proofing higher education institutions with novel pedagogies and practices that inspire creativity and authenticity, and underpin sustainable development across all disciplines of business education. The 2023 Champions will participate in a series of workshops throughout the year to source, develop, and implement innovative pedagogies, inspired by the Impactful Five Characteristics outlined in partnership with The LEGO Foundation.

As a flagship PRME programme, the PRME Champions Programme provides faculty members, students and industry leaders with a space for developing and sharing collaborative educational methods and a ‘living lab’ for ambitious new ideas for developing the next generation of sustainability-driven business schools and management-related higher education institutions in support of the SDGs.

The 2023 Champions cycle is an amended 1-year cycle, as opposed to the usual 2-year cycle, as the Secretariat engages in a review process of the programme for future editions. The review will take place in parallel to the 2023 cycle and will involve Champion, community, and expert consultation in order to ensure that the PRME Champions Programme remains an impactful pioneer programme moving forward, and one in line with community needs and expectations.

Joining the PRME Champions group represents a unique opportunity for AlmaU, as well as a challenge to work with the best business schools and universities in the world in the field of management education.
Almaty Management University (AlmaU), as a socially responsible university, has been a member of the PRME program since 2009. Since 2012, the university has been preparing Progress Reports (SIPs), which are available here. AlmaU President and Founder Dr. Asylbek Kozhakhmetov is a member of the PRME Council in 2020-2023. In 2021, AlmaU Vice-Rector for Global Partnerships Aigerim Kaumenova was nominated for the post of Committee Chair of the UN PRME Representative Office in Eurasia. A new chapter in Eurasia (Eurasian Chapter) was presented to the public during the UN PRME Global Representation Forum in 2021. AlmaU student Navruz Yerkaev represents the Eurasian region in the PRME Global Students initiative since 2022.

AlmaU thanks its partners and colleagues for continuous support.




What is the main priority for PRME within the next 15 years?

AlmaU expresses its strong commitment to principles of responsible education as a long-standing PRME signatory – since 2009.

PRME is unique because it makes impact on the academia, which makes impact on business and society. It is the time to make that impact valuable and stronger than ever.

There are a lot of opportunities as well as challenges we need to overcome in today's world.

PRME sets valuable target to foster sustainable and responsible mindset for the future generations of leaders via educational initiatives and nurturing sustainable mindsets and behaviors.


What are three reasons to join PRME?

Education is the main driver of development of a country. Civic education is a driving force to create impact on societies. Emerging countries need responsible management education.

To achieve SDGs, social responsibility should be the core to education, teaching & operations.

For that reasons universities should join the PRME network. It inspires synergy among academia, business and society.

For Almaty Management University a truly worthy mission is to be impactful in nurturing socially responsible style of management for the benefit of the society.

In mid 2021 AlmaU has initiated the launch of the PRME Chapter Eurasia to promote social responsibility and sustainability across the region.