Liter Flow: AlmaU hosted a charity literary evening
On March 3, AlmaU hosted the second charity literary evening.
Liter Flow is a charity literary evening for people to be able to open their souls, express their concerns and share their story through poetry. The evening brought together the audience and the readers, gave occasion for reflection, and exchange of views. ⠀
One of the main goals of this event was to raise funds for Gulzhan Kadyra’s treatment with a diagnosis of "congenital ptosis of the left eye with severe strabismus", which requires surgery in Israel
The evening was attended by staff, students and invited guests:
• The head of "Bachelor"direction, Abdrakhmanov Tahir: a poem of his own composition;
• Melnik Valeria: a poem of her own composition;
• Kopbay Aisha: Ekaterina Dovlatova’s poem “It is not easy for men”;
• Chekushkina Alena: Eduard Asadov’s poem “Students” and “Pilgrims” by Joseph Brodsky
• Isabek Nurila: Astakhova’s poem "I want to be a child."
• Duzenko Julia: Vladimir Mayakovsky’s poem “Lilichka”.
• Zhantasov Zara: Vladimir Mayakovsky ‘s poem "Letter to Comrade Kostrov from Paris about the essence of love";
• Student from KazGASA University Alieva Emina: Vladimir Listomirov’s poem “Связующее звено”.
• Pazyl Dilnaz: poem «Если хочешь о важном, давай о важном» by Keep Silence;
• Amirova Malika: a poem of her own composition;
• Anna Gaida - a representative of the newest poetry, a graduate of Open Literary School of Almaty, writing and speaking under the pseudonym Anevajno;
• Akzhan Ay Kyzy - a young poetess from “Qoltańba” creative association, read her own poem in Kazakh;
• Alisa Yakuba, a poetess who also performed in Transforma and Artcraft spaces as part of Children Know What Politics is and was published in the collection of young writers “Bridge to Another World”;
• Mary Huvanna - one of the representatives of modern Kazakh-speaking poets, a member of “Qoltańba” creative association;
• The final guest of the charity poetic evening was a young lyric poet, a graduate of Almaty University Management: Omirserikov Bakhytzhan.
This event was prepared by DOS student organization, aimed at development of charity within the walls of the University and cultivation of charity among students.