Sharing news of the National Bank in Kazakh


December 24, 2015

Sharing news of the National Bank in Kazakh

Devember 22 of 2015, in Almaty Management University (earlier IAB) held round table on the topic of “Application of Kazakh language in the banking system”. The event was held in Kazakh language and was organized by the Center of business Kazakh language development of AlmaU.

The main aim of the round table was the increase of the level of usage of the state language in the banking structure, improvement of the quality of services in Kazakh, and also designation and systematization of significant problems in this direction.

In frames of round table spoke: famous social doer, leader of “Ult tagdyry” movement, employee of the Center of business Kazakh language development Dos Koshym (report “Results of monitoring of the level of usage of Kazakh language in banking system”), vice-director of Department of organizational work and control of the National bank of the RK Sh. Kurmanbay with the report on the topic of “Situation with Kazakh language in the National Bank”; head of the Department of languages development of Almaty city Mamai Akhet, with the report “Level of usage of Kazakh language in banks, that provide services in Almaty city”, editor of the web-site Til-audit D. Imanbayeva with the report “Vision of provision of banking web-sites in Kazakh”. In the event also took part representatives of Almaty banks, linguists, journalists of such newspapers as “Ana tili”, “Dat” and “Akikat” journal. 
