Expanding the boundaries: MBA AlmaU in Uzbekistan!
On March 31, 2022, AlmaU launched an MBA program jointly with its partner university, Yeoju Technical Institute in Tashkent*.
MBA AlmaU - is a practice-oriented training program that includes state-of-the-art knowledge, methods and solutions, using modern views on the conduct of business, helps to develop an advanced systematic approach to solving problems and new ways of business development.
The program is aimed at forming an integrated vision of company development to look at business from a new, global point of view.
Twelve students from different business fields - IT, telecom, construction, media, industry, pharmaceuticals, and education - will learn the science in a modular format for two years in order to improve the integrated development of their companies.
At the end, graduates will receive not only two diplomas (AlmaU and YTIT) and a personal certificate AMBA**, but also a whole new perspective on doing business.
*Yeoju Technical Institute in Tashkent (YTIT) was opened in 2018 together with Korean partners. The main task of the Institute is to train highly qualified personnel and specialists with modern professional skills, demanded in the labor market. Educational programs are formed taking into account modern requirements and trends of economic development, as well as agreed with major and potential employers.
**AMBA (Association of MBA's, UK, London) is one of the world's three most prestigious triple crown business accreditations. AMBA accreditation guarantees worldwide recognition of the diploma.
The AlmaU Graduate School of Business is the only business school in Central and South Asia with this accreditation.