Diaries of Georgia. Second day
Diaries of Georgia. Second day
Diaries of Georgia
Second day
Dear reader! Are you waiting for good news about the work of AlmaU-2019 International Summer School, which takes place in sunny Georgia from July 6 to 12, this year?
The second day of the Summer School, a friendly team of students from different regions of Kazakhstan, including the heads of educational institutions, methodologists, and practicing teachers, began with a training of a certified trainer in “Mine body” direction, an acting teacher and director, actress of German Theater Alexandra Bigler "Work with the body and voice".Alexandra Bigler began her five-day training with intensive exercises for the body, during which students got energy boost at the main unit of intensive training.
After classes, trainees presented their work on the topic: "An innovative model of a comprehensive school: School of the Future." The presentations of the audience were evaluated by a public commission, which included AlmaU Rector KurganbaevaGulmiraAmanzholovna and First Vice-Rector KanagatovaAlmagulMedikhatovna.
In total, five different projects were presented. Presentations were distinguished by the author's vision and concept. During a lively discussion, trainees exchanged ideas between groups.
In the afternoon, the programmewas continued by the second part of the training conducted by the head of BTS Digital educational center, the Goodwill Ambassador of National Geographic Kazakhstan SayasatNurbek. The coach summed up the theoretical part of the previous day and then worked on cases. The trainees have witnessed the versatility of education, having studied the present situation of digitalization in education, according to the coach’s presentation, they traveled to the future, like gamification and smartphones. It is important to note here that all the trainees were interested in SayasatNurbek’s project -Atlas of new professions, which he presented in the context of the mining industry.
This day of training was concluded by the performance of the famous neuroscientist, who specially arrived from the Russian Federation, VasilyKlyucharyov. The trainer began with a story about his activities and relationship of his activities with pedagogy. He emphasized the importance of the concept of “Attention” and how educators should work with attention in the process of teaching with students. Vasily also provided an example of useful books that help trainees become more familiar with awareness. Tomorrow there willbethe informed about the 3rd day of training at AlmaU-2019 International Summer School.