AlmaU became an institutional member of Oracle Academy
On December 25, 2018, AlmaU became one of the 10 higher education institutions -institutional participants of Oracle Academy, along with KazNIITU, IITU, SDU, AUIEC and others.
Oracle Academy is a project of Oracle company, the world leader in IT sphere. In 2017, more than 15,000 educational institutions in 128 countries collaborated with Oracle Academy, and in total, the project has helped more than 6.3 million students worldwide prepare for a career in today's digital economy.
Oracle Academy offers advanced computer science education to disseminate knowledge and promote innovation, skills development, and sociocultural diversity in the IT field throughout the world.
Participation in the Oracle Academy gives opportunity to do continuous training in information technologies at all levels. It provides access to a variety of resources that can be used during training and non-commercial research work related to theoretical training and higher education. These resources include technologies, curriculum and study software, materials for conducting seminars for students and for training teachers, and for obtaining Oracle industry certification and exam preparation. Students gain skills in IT and business and become familiar with industrial software that is used in hundreds of industries, and teachers keep up with technological progress and improve their skills.
Oracle (Oracle Corporation) is an American corporation, the second largest producer of software (after Microsoft), the largest producer of software for organizations, a major supplier of server hardware.
The company specializes in the release of database management systems, middleware and business applications (ERP and CRM systems, specialized industry applications). The company's most famous product is Oracle Database, which the company has been producing since its foundation. Since 2008, the corporation has mastered the production of integrated hardware and software systems, and since 2009, as a result of the takeover, Sun Microsystems has become a manufacturer of server hardware, before that the company produced only software.
Branches of the corporation are located in more than 145 countries. The headquarters of the corporation is located in the United States, in California, near San Francisco.