The 2nd Stage of the «MegaChance» contest for foreign applicants
The 2nd Stage of the «MegaChance» contest for foreign applicants.
The 2nd Stage — Essay
Below are the topics to choose from for each language department and each program:
Bachelor program
For Russian department | For English department | For Kazakh department |
1. Волонтёрство как стиль жизни. 2. Самые лучшие инвестиции – инвестиции в себя. 3. Что, по вашему мнению, отличает вас от других кандидатов, поступающих в Almaty Management University? 4.Какой навык вы считаете наиболее важным для успеха в вашей будущей карьере? Как бы вы хотели развить его у себя? С какими сложностями вы могли бы столкнуться и как бы вы их преодолели? | 1. What is the one thing that you think sets you apart from other candidates applying to the Almaty Management University? 2. Describe an example of your leadership experience in which you have positively influenced others, helped resolve disputes, or contributed to group efforts over time. 3. Describe your favorite academic subject and explain how it has influenced you. 4. What have you done to make your school or your community a better place? 5. How is social media changing parent and child relationships?
| 1. Ең жақсы инвестиция - өзіңе салынған инвестиция.
2. Сіздің болашақ мансабыңыздағы жетістікке жету үшін қай шеберлікті маңызды деп санайсыз? Оны өзіңіз үшін қалай дамытқыңыз келеді?
3. Еріктілер ісі (волонтёрлік) өмір салты ретінде.
Master's program
For Russian department |
1. Опишите наиболее серьезную проблему, с которой вы столкнулись, и шаги, которые вы предприняли для ее преодоления. Как этот вызов повлиял на вас? 2. Предпринимательство – больше, чем профессия. 3. Искусственный интеллект – помощник или соперник? 4. Что вам необходимо сделать, чтобы ваше влияние на ваше окружение было больше, чем влияние окружения на вас? 5. С каким из мировых брендов вы себя ассоциируете больше всего? Почему вам импонирует этот бренд и почему вы пользуетесь его продуктами/услугами? |
You can choose one of the topics proposed above, according to your chosen language and the language of the 1st Stage “Portfolio”.
Essay writing Requirements:
1. An essay can only be written on one of the proposed topics.
2. It is necessary to write in the language in which study is planned in the future (English-English, Russian-Russian, Kazakh-Kazakh).
3. Recommended size - at least 250 words, maximum - 1000 words.
4. Rules for the essay:
Font: Times New Roman, size 14, spacing 1.
Margins: top - 2 cm, bottom - 2 cm, right - 1.5 cm, left - 3 cm.
In the upper right corner of the first page you must indicate the name of the participant.
1. The text should be logical and coherent.
2. Avoid overly complex phrases and an abundance of professional terminology.
3. Do not get carried away with descriptions, but do not neglect the details.
4. The text should reflect the specifics of your opinion on the chosen specialty.
5. Do not be afraid to demonstrate non-standard thinking, but try to confirm your point of view with arguments.
Essay Evaluation Criteria:
1. Essay Structure
2. Argumentation of own opinion on the topic
3. Originality of thought
4. Speech design, semantic integrity, speech connectivity and sequence of presentation
5. Literacy, spelling and speech standards
Works are accepted until 23:00 of May 31, 2020 (Nur-Sultan city time).
«MegaChance» contest for foreign applicants has been held annually since 2014 and is focused on graduates of colleges, schools and universities and provides an opportunity to win a 50% discount or a 100% grant for studies in undergraduate and graduate programs.
More information about the contest: